Seasonal Home Maintenance Checklist for Your HVAC Unit


While some homeowners don’t examine the health of their home’s HVAC system until they encounter a problem, this strategy isn’t advisable. Not only can this lead to costly repairs, but it could also create an issue when it comes time to sell your house, as well.

During a home inspection, there are many red flags that buyers watch for. A faulty HVAC system can derail the sale of your home. And, it can cause you to have to shell out big bucks to repair or replace your entire system.

An HVAC seasonal home maintenance checklist can help homeowners to avoid headaches now and in the future.

Read on for the must-have seasonal HVAC checklist every homeowner needs to have on hand!

Why Seasonal Home Maintenance For Your HVAC System is Essential

Owning a home comes with a lot of responsibility, especially if you want to stay ahead of major costs and repairs. And, it’s much easier to ward off potential problems than to wait until you’re facing a catastrophe to deal with the things around the house that require your attention.

When buying a new home, it’s crucial that the HVAC system is up to par.

This checklist will help you to keep a handle on your home’s heating in the winter and cooling during the hot, summer months that are quickly approaching.

A Must-Have HVAC Seasonal Home Maintenance Checklist For Homeowners

Performing regular home maintenance ensures that your home stays in shape throughout the year.

As the weather warms up, add these essentials to your list of things to do.

1. Change the Filter

Don’t wait until the temps drop to complete this task. Changing your HVAC filter is a simple DIY project that can have a major impact on the efficiency of your home’s heating and cooling system.

This is also an easy way to lower your home’s energy usage by up to 15% and reduce your bill, according to the Alliance to Save Energy.

2. Check Your Outside Unit and Drain Pipe

Choose a nice spring day to check the outside unit and examine your drain pipe for any clogs. Trim back trees and bushes that threaten to impose on these areas while you’re at it.

When branches, leaves, and other debris clogs your unit, it can cause a reduction in efficiency and may even result in a breakdown.

3. Clean Your Fans

Remove the covers throughout your home and clean the fans with sudsy water and a cloth. This will remove residue and grime that’s collected throughout the rest of the year. It also helps to keep your fans in tip-top shape so that they can perform their job effectively all year long.

4. Check Windows and Doors For Leaks & Drafts

Examine the seals of windows and doors to make sure that your HVAC system isn’t having to work overtime to heat and cool your home.

If you notice leaks, now is the time to address the problem and schedule the necessary repairs.

5. Schedule a Professional Tune-Up

Last but not least, you should also schedule a professional HVAC tune-up. Sometimes, an expert can spot potential issues that others can’t. And, even if you feel like your home’s heating and cooling system is functioning properly, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Make an Appointment Today!

There’s no better time than the present to schedule a professional HVAC inspection. This is one of the most important items on your seasonal home maintenance checklist. It will help you maintain your home’s heating and cooling system throughout the year.

Contact us today to schedule your home’s annual HVAC check-up!